Our Cattle
Our cows are moderate framed & built for efficiency & longevity. We raise our own replacement heifers & bulls & finish the remaining calves in our feedlot to produce beef.
From Conception to Consumption
Ultimately, beef cattle are here to feed us. And we are able to provide beef as an end result. But we also are able to watch & care for that animal from start to finish. From Conception to Consumption. We use artificial insemination on our registered cattle, so we are helping create the conception a lot of times!
But even for the cows that conceive from bulls, we are proud to raise them through to the end product. If that animal is not in our top end to become a breeding prospect, into the feedlot they go, where we care for them & feed them. We sell most of our fats on the grid, but we are able to sell some directly into home freezers for consumption!

Shorthorns are a great maternal breed that can work and make the pasture pretty.
- Mothering Ability
- Marbling
- Docility
This cow is DMCC BRANDI SLVR FX 19Z.
She is a 10 year old cow who is a 4 time Performance Dam award winner with the American Shorthorn Association.
Normande is a dual purpose breed that excels in carcass traits & milking. And they’re colorful also.
- Marbling
- Low Back fat
- Milking ability
We call her 573 (which is her ear tag). She is almost 16 years old & still going strong!

Our crossbred cows are usually a mix of Shorthorn and Normande…and our numbers of them vary, depending on the amount of rented pasture we have available.